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Winter Catch-up


January feels like a long time ago now. Although equally it feels like February went by super the heck is it March already???

As February was needlessly stressful with work, things happening at the park, uni and a [really] horrible bug/virus; the blog has been somewhat neglected - sorry about that!

Things that have been happening:

Big Garden Bird Watch Results:

Dunnock [1], House Sparrow [10], Blue Tit [2], Blackbird [1], Wren [2], Starling [1], Magpie [1], Robin [1], Pigeon [14], Jackdaw [1]. Pretty similar results to last year...few more pigeons though...and some bonus wrens. Apparently we are 'below the local and national average' for blue tits; whilst we are above average in house sparrow and pigeon numbers.

The garden has taken a bit of a battering this winter. Another small section of fence blew down in a storm [cannont remember which weirdly named one it was]. The wind was remarkably efficient and knocked out all of the willow canes, leaving them in a haphazard pile [conveniently] next to the wood pile.

Most depressingly was how my lovely ammonite stepping stones succumbed to the frost. First they cracked [and we hoped we could repair], then they flaked [like a dragon shedding its skin] and then, finally they just crumbled. Looked an absolute mess. Took until last week to summon up my disappointment and remove them. We have sourced some similar 'stones' as replacements and allegedly these are 'frost resistant' [and at £20 each, they ought to be]. On the plus side, the thyme plants are spreading really well, hopefully we'll have some flowers this year!

Already seen a few bumblebees about - making the most of the reticulated iris and dandelions in the front garden. I encountered one yesterday morning sunning itself on the front door....

We had a hedgehog visitor at the weekend [look at those cute little feets!] I thought this was quite early for it to be up and about, but either it was hungry [it was a cold night] or it was one of these more modern hogs thats doing away with the whole hibernating thing. The little guy was very enthusiastic about peanuts, although when we put a bowl of 'proper' hog food out it was soon snuffling and rootling through it! Unfortunately he did not completely finish the food - so what was left froze to the bowl in the night. In the morning the magpies came down and chipped away at what was left.

One magpie has started nest improvemnents already. Despite several piles of sticks kicking about in the garden, apparently only freshly cut ones will do. Keeps going into the bushes at the back snapping off suitable branches, then flying off into the leylandii hedge over the way. That hedge must be about 90% nests by now, between the magpies, squirrels and goodness knows whatever else.

Got a few flowers coming out in the garden: the forsythia has been in bloom right through the winter; snow drops, crocus and tete-a--tete daffodils are in full flush right now, with a few primroses bravely poking out [sparrows seem to be tweaking the petals].

What with being ill for a week, I was getting behind in topping up the peanut feeder. Clearly they were getting concerned...encountered this little gal at the kitchen window, watching me make my lunch!

There's about 3 squirrels at the moment: one that seems older and is much more confident, and two 'twins' who don't really get on, but have a super fluffy look which suggests they are from last year's brood. They were getting a bit frisky earlier in the month, lots of romantic chasing going on. We think one of them managed to get into the attic [there was definately something up there getting comfy in the metres of sheep insulation. M [very bravely] went up at midnight and scared it with a broom. Not had any issues since....



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