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Slug Control


Updated: Oct 13, 2022

I was planning on moving away from hedgehogs this week - as there are other animals and birds vying for attention - but the hogs continue to do the darndest things.

Following in the same vibe as last week, where the hogs continue to ignore what the books imply to be their natural food choice (although moot point as to whether these particular hogs were either a) involved in the book's research; or b) whether they have read the book). This hog takes things a step further. Most sources suggest that hedgehogs 'control slug/snail numbers', so perhaps I was (wrongly) assuming that this meant they consumed them. This individual 'controls' them by standing on them, only giving a sort of complexed expression of 'ugh, I stepped in something'. Sigh.

They also continue to give absolutely zero f***s. On Monday night I had the french windows open, the outside light on and was on the phone, when I heard a snuffling noise outside. Obviously somebody wanted some peanuts. (Photo credits to Matt).

In other garden news this week, we had a small flock of long-tailed tits pass through, using the garden as a service station.

As it has been raining almost constantly since Tuesday, the garden is reverting to a more healthy green colour. The only spot of colour (other than green) is a tub of pumpkin plants, which although refuse to produce fruit, have kept up a steady succession of flowers for a least a month now. This is in stark contrast to the pumpkins I planted out on the allotment, which have already produced 3 fruits (weighing an approx 500g); in addition to 'The Beast' - see below (goodness knows what the rain will do to it).

Hopefully I'll find time this month to plant up our new "extremely dwarf" (?!) apple tree and possibly start excavating for the new pond.

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